Gold Coast Office, Pantai Indah Kapuk Street, RT.6/RW.2, Kamal Muara, North Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
GBI River Of Life started from COOL (COMMUNITY OF LOVE) with 5 pairs of members led by GEMBALA COOL Ps. DJUNAIDI in 2013. As this cool progressed, GOD entrusted more. So that the growth of this cool grew in quality and the addition of souls to reach 40-50 people, this cool is under the guidance of Ps. Dr. Danny Tumiwa SH. M Th.
And in 2015 in October, GOD led this cool to step further in the harvest of souls at the end of time and was entrusted with a place with grace at Gold Coast Office Tower Eiffel Lt. 7 Unit G & H, Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta to become a Church.
GBI RIVER OF LIFE, this name was given because this Church truly we feel the flow of living water from God Himself with His love that wins many souls.