Virtuard is a platform based on announcements and virtual tours that can be attached to your announcement for anyone and any type who wants to use this service.
Before proceeding, however, it is better to spend a few words to explain what the Virtual Tour is.
The virtual tour is an interactive experience that allows you to virtually explore an environment or location without having to be physically present on site. It can be used in many situations, for example:
  • Tourism: Virtual tours can be used to promote tourist destinations, allowing visitors to virtually explore places such as hotels, museums, parks and tourist attractions.
  • Real Estate: Virtual tours can help sell or rent real estate, giving prospective buyers or tenants the opportunity to preview the inside of your home or apartment.
  • Education: Virtual tours can be used to provide students with an interactive visualization of places such as museums, natural parks and archaeological sites.
  • Commercial: Companies can use virtual tours to show their offices, shops or factories to potential customers or business partners.
  • Engineering and architecture: Engineering and architecture studios can create 360 ​​renderings for the design, giving the customer an innovative way to visit the work before it is built
In general, virtual tours are used to offer an engaging and immersive experience to users, who can virtually explore an environment in a realistic and interactive way.
Virtuard allows you to build them independently by simply following the appropriate tutorial but let's see the advantages in detail.
What are the benefits of using Virtuard?
Virtuard is divided into 6 main categories, in this way anyone and for any category has the opportunity to take advantage of it.
Let's see it specifically!
Before this, however, I will list the main advantages of Virtual Tours and then go into detail for each sector:
10 Advantages of the Virtual Tour:
If you're looking to increase the number and quality of leads, a great way is to create virtual tours. Virtual tours are an excellent marketing tool to generate more interest in your services and products. As a result they can also help increase conversion rates for your business. In this blog post, we'll discuss the top 10 benefits of virtual tours so you can see how beneficial they can be in growing your business!
1) Show off the beauty of each property
Virtual tours are a great way to show off your property to buyers who can't come and view it. They allow you to highlight the benefits of through images and videos so your customers know what they will get if they choose one of your properties! Virtual tours are able to provide potential buyers with an immediate and real perception of the interior spaces. This will help you get more leads but above all qualified leads since your "visitors" will be able to imagine living in these spaces before even visiting them!
2) Save time and money on visits
With virtual tours you can save time and money by creating everything with a single visit. In this way you won't have to spend hours traveling back and forth between properties and you will only meet "prepared" customers (ie who have already viewed the property in advance thanks to the tour).
3) Show multiple properties at once.
If you are a real estate agent with multiple properties on the market, virtual tours can be used to show them all at once! This will help potential buyers get a feel for each property without having to visit each individual home. You can also share images and videos for each ad to highlight its benefits and show viewers what else is available!
4) Track your visits
Virtual Tours allow you to track viewers and their behavior on your website through the use of code that is added right into the tour page! This helps with conversions as it lets you see which parts of your virtual tour are most effective in getting you more leads. You can then quickly make changes to maximize your marketing tactics!
5) Visual information is more memorable.
People are 65% more likely to remember visual information than written or spoken content, which is why virtual tours are such an effective marketing tool! When you share your tour online potential buyers will be able to easily refer to these videos if they need help remembering the details of a particular property. This will allow them to make a quicker decision!
6) Increase your search engine rankings
Having virtual tours on your website is a great way to increase its SEO value and rise higher in the search engine ranks when people search for properties online. Plus, with virtual tours, you'll have a steep decrease in bounce rate since each virtual tour video is less than a minute long, so visitors are likely to stay engaged on your site longer to see what you're offering. All of this will bring even more traffic to your site so you can generate more leads, while also increasing your visibility!
7) It's an excellent social media marketing tool!
Due to the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, virtual tours are an excellent way to interact with potential buyers through these sites too! You can post links and images of your virtual tours on these platforms to build brand awareness, as many people will find this helpful when searching for similar properties to yours. Finally, the icing on the cake is that web visitors can share your virtual tours on their social media feeds for more visibility.
8) Custom property viewing experience
Having a virtual tour on your website is the best way to showcase your properties in person. You can customize the preview of each property with photos and videos of the exterior and interior. You can highlight key features of each property and answer any questions potential buyers might have about things like floor plans, pricing, and perks. Additionally, online viewers can zoom in on certain aspects they are interested in, which is one of the main benefits of 360° virtual tours. Every prospective online buyer will have a personalized experience and a better sense of what your property is like, making them more aware of their decision.
9) Improved targeting
You can easily customize your virtual tours to choose which customer target to address. You might highlight benefits like energy efficiency for certain types of buyers, make design changes based on buyer taste, or showcase benefits like outdoor space for those who prefer to stay active. This will help you win more deals as buyers are likely to be more interested in properties that meet their needs.
10) Competitiveness
You will truly be seen as more competitive than someone who does not use the virtual tour. You will be considered cutting edge thanks to Virtuard.
Our challenge is that you can find an effective service at a competitive price.
But now, as promised, let's see each category in detail:
Real Estate Category :
Using virtuard's virtual tours in this field has many advantages for agents and agencies. The main one is that it allows the virtual visit of the property to a wider audience, allowing for a meeting in person only if there is a concrete interest on the part of the client. In other words, all appointments that waste precious time are avoided. In most cases, those who go to the appointment have already analyzed the property via virtual tour and simply intend to define the final details. Appointments with customers are therefore targeted and involve a much higher probability of having a positive outcome ( up to 40% faster sales speed than normal photos ) .
Category Commercial Activities:
Anyone who opens a business dedicates a lot of time to attention to detail, to furnishings, to his work space, to the care of the services and products he offers in order to be increasingly competitive in a now saturated market. With Virtuard you can show all this by allowing people to take a virtual tour inside your business, visiting the premises, viewing the services, noticing how much love and dedication you have organized it with. Imagine searching for a bar for example and being able to see all the "bars" from inside. Imagine looking for a specific product, adding reviews, choosing your favorite table, adding the menu with photos of each product (so that anyone looking for the specific product is immediately directed to you). Soon, as soon as a certain traffic of users is reached, the MARKETPLACE and HOME SERVICE of your products will be activated.
Category Accommodation Facilities:
Similar characteristics to commercial activities but with the difference that you can enter the room prices, show the services (swimming pool, spa, etc.), the surrounding environment, enhance the panorama, the beaches, places to visit, etc. Anyone can virtually visit your hotel or accommodation facility of any kind and dream of being there. Making someone daydream is the first step in bringing them into your facility. Soon, as soon as a certain amount of user traffic has been reached, the booking service will be activated directly from your ad, allowing you to pay directly from Virtuard.