Work with us
Virtuard was designed to allow anyone to create virtual tours, starting from 360° photos.
To take pictures you need a 360° camera. The quality of the machine obviously affects the final yield.
However, not everyone is willing to buy a 360° room, just to take their own virtual tour.
Our company allows, upon explicit request, to collaborate with us in order not only to be able to put your virtual tour online, but also to become an active part in the project.
Virtuard offers 3 types of collaborations:
1. If you wanted to buy a 360° room you could sell the Virtual tour service, getting paid by the managers. You will be totally autonomous and you will decide how, where and when to work. For example, the recommended price in Rome is:
2.5 €/ m2 up to 99 m2
€ 2 / m2 from 100 up to 499 m2
1.5 € / m2 from 500 up to 1000 m2
€ 1 /sqm from 1000 upwards
(of course, based on the country, city or territory you can adjust the prices)
+ Annual subscription on Virtuard that they will have to do themselves.
Example: Take the Virtual Tour of a 100m2 venue = € 200 (One-off, i.e. paid only once) + € 99 annual subscription
2. By promoting the application, anyone who uses your link to subscribe will automatically give you 10% of everything they buy directly into your account. To access this section:
– Register for free
– Menu
- Profile
– Profile menu (middle left for Smartphone)
– Affiliation
- Send inquiry
3. Are you an engineer, architect, do you love rendering and do you want to learn how to render 360°? We can teach you and use Virtuard to design through virtual tours.
4. You can create a team in your city and, once the contracts with Real Estate, Commercial Activities, Accommodation Structures etc have been closed, We will be able to send professional photographers anywhere in the world, through a list of over 75,000 people who have the 'suitable equipment in all countries. Additionally, you may also offer the service of following the virtuard page for items to be listed, updating inventory when required, and offering a one-of-a-kind product showcase.